Core Beliefs

Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that rabbits are intelligent and social animals who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We are dedicated to working toward a future where all domestic rabbits are given the care and attention they deserve, and all wild rabbits have a safe and sustainable habitat to thrive.

  • We believe rabbits are social and intelligent.
  • Improving the welfare of all rabbits, both domestic and wild, is what unites us.
  • Every rabbit has intrinsic worth as an individual, regardless of breed purity, temperament, state of health, or relationship to humans. 
  • We are against the exploitation of rabbits in any and all forms unless it directly benefits the rabbits under the guidance of a rabbit rescue.
  • Domestic rabbits are a product of human intervention, crafted through intentional breeding programs. Domestic rabbits rely on humans for their well-being, making it our duty to provide for their well-being. These intelligent and social creatures are not just cute pets, they are our responsibility and deserve to be treated as such.
  • Domestic rabbits should be afforded the same individual rights, level of care, and opportunities for longevity as dogs and cats. Neutering or spaying domestic rabbits is in their best interest 
  • Every domestic rabbit deserves a safe, secure and comfortable home with 24/7 companionship.
  • Regular veterinary treatment and care are essential for the overall health and happiness of domestic rabbits.
  • Furthermore, we recognize the important role of mental stimulation, playtime, exercise, environmental activity, and social interaction in the lives of domestic rabbits. 
  • We encourage the use of positive reinforcement techniques. We recognize that even long after domestication, in a prey-based species like rabbits, it is imperative to discourage and avoid fear-based and punishment-based behavior-modification techniques.
  • Except for unique situations, it is in the best interest of wild rabbits that human intervention be minimized. Examples of unique situations include wild animals being nursed, rehabilitated, or those unable to return to the wild after such life-saving experiences. Another example where human intervention may be warranted is an endangered species being saved from extinction
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